Orthodontic Care For Adults


Let’s face it, having straight teeth is desirable at any age. Smiling has an enormous impact on your daily interactions and can certainly affect your confidence, self-esteem, and overall quality of life. Orthodontic treatment for adults has become increasingly popular as more and more adults have desired beautiful and healthy smiles.

Additionally, having straight teeth throughout your lifetime can contribute to your overall tooth and gum health, not to mention the bone that supports the teeth.

There are a variety of orthodontic options available for adults today, ranging from comprehensive and surgical treatment to limited, problem-focused treatment. Orthodontic treatment may help facilitate other treatment at your dentist or dental specialist(s). Treatment may aid in the placement of crowns and other restorations and can also aid in periodontal treatment and maintaining healthy gums and supporting bone.

Dr. Chisari will work closely with your dentist or other dental specialists to help optimize your treatment outcomes for healthy, long-lasting results.

It is never too late to begin orthodontic treatment, call our Jupiter, Florida office (561) 575-3634 today for your complimentary consultation!

Chisari Orthodontics Provides Traditional & Self-Ligating Clear Braces in addition to Invisalign to Correct Your Bite and Make Your Smile Beautiful!